If  a person close to you

Insultes and humiliates you

Does not allowe you to visit your friends and relatives

Hits you, shouts at you and threatens to beat you,

beats children

Angry at you punishes children

Forcing you into intimacy against your will

Doesn’t want you to work or even look for a job

Makes you think that only he/she can properly manage the family finances

Constantly criticizies you (your clothes, your appearance, your housekeeping)

If you

Feel your own worthlessness and weakness

Are afraid of your partner

Constantly justify him/her to yourself and others

Feel lonely

Only blame yourself

Can’t handle your own feelings

Are not happy and live only because of duty

If all this happens to you, then it means that there is violence in the family

Behaviors of a person prone to violence

He is convinced of the correctness of existing stereotypes about violent behavior, the traditional view of the role of men and women in society and the family – that is, he believes that the “head of the family” can only be a man

Aggressive with children

He is characterized by the tendency to blame the crime on someone else

He is pathologically jealous

He does not understand that aggressive behavior can have serious consequences

Trying to make a woman to avoid all activities and relationships with other people outside the home

He is physically rude to the woman

He threatens to kill himself if the woman leaves him

The more characteristics of aggressive behavior there are in your relationship with your spouse or loved one, the more dangerous these relationships are for you

Abused women may suffer from

The gradual deterioration of the health condition due to the increase in physical, emotional and economic violence

Decrease in self-esteem, loss of self-confidence

A strong feeling of loneliness, fear and shame

constant stress and psychophysiological disorders

Despair, due to the inability to overcome the problem of domestic violence

A feeling of guilt, because she is unable to deal with the problem on her own

Aggression towards herself

Related news

Use of opportunities to protect against violence and barriers
Ways to overcome violence and rights of victims
Legal mechanisms for detecting and preventing domestic violence
Violence, signs and forms of violence
Sexual Harassment
If  a person close to you
Women’s work and role of women in politics
Sexual harassment at work
Violence Against Women
Equality and Discrimination